I'm out of words.

The Liu et ag (Gao) paper, which looked at reads not some arbitrary contigs, now shows that the "raccoon dog" sample (Env_0576/Q61) contains mostly normal dog, not raccoon dog reads. What the f**k is going on here?


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also, as always, Gilles Demaneuf is excellently informed also about raccoon dog sales at HSM:


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superb work. Bruttel has been one of the best and most honest researchers regarding the origins of this pandemic.

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Another important point raised by @Daoyu15: DNA removal methods may preferentially affect human DNA, as it comes from sneezes/saliva (skin flakes don't pass filters), which is very accessible. DNA from animals comes from blood, where DNA is stabilized by fibrinogen. This explains why so many samples contain only/mostly cow or sheep nucleotides and SARS2.

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Angie Rasmussen aparently tweeted that the raccoon dog sample did contain human reads and contigs, just none that were 300 nucleotides long. https://twitter.com/angie_rasmussen/status/1638002479999713285?s=20 So there was human nucleic acids in that sample, just no contigs above their arbitrary 300nt treshold. What a farce!

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